Sunday, April 27, 2014


As Drug Addiction sweeps across the United States another young person takes his last breath and leaves this world from a drug over dose. You sit and wonder what his future could of ended up being like if he did not get caught up in this insane Russian Roulette Games With Drug Addiction.

Yes, I knew this young man in which he was only thirty years old, he was my nephews best friend. Bobby came over to my house many times with my nephew and hung out. He was going to NA Meetings for over a year and was clean and doing well. He recently went through traumatic times his brother a year ago shot himself and Bobby was the one whom found his brother dead. He was struggling with the memory of discovering his brother and the bloody scene in which that haunted him.
Within a half a year after his brothers death his parents got a divorce and his Mother met someone and moved to Arizona., in which that was a triple banger. Your parents are divorcing, Mom is moving thousands of miles away to live with her boyfriend.
He was very hurt and some what depressed by his parents sudden divorce and the loss of his brother.
My nephew made it a point to spend a lot of time with Bobby and be support for him. On the outside Bobby seemed to be doing well, but knowing the situation I often felt he was still overwhelmed and traumatized by his brothers suicide and parents divorced.
I was shocked and sad when I heard Bobby overdose and my nephew was devastated. He said Bobby was clean he was dealing with his brothers death staying straight.
But many times they will stay clean for a long time and the first time they do drugs after being clean they miscalculate the amount and take to much. Sometimes drugs are mixed with other substance and alcohol. We think Bobby miscalculated the amount. In fact this happens often to many people. We are losing many good people to drug addiction and fatal drug overdoses.

According to an article published by the U.S Department Of Health And Human Services 22,400 people died from drug overdose in 2005. The article states that more people between the age of 45 and 54 died from an drug overdose than died from traffic accidents.
The Center For Disease Control And Prevention states, in 2008 36,000 people died from a drug overdose. In 2010 2 million people reported using prescription pain killers, non medically for the first time. CDC states that a 100 people die from drug overdose everyday..
CDC VITAL SIGNS: Prescription Pain killers Overdoses- A Growing Epidemic, Especially Among Women.
And their is a surge in prescription drug usage. Statistics show that 74% of all Fatal prescription over dose was accidental.  An opioid was found in 77 % of overdoses.

Opioids are among the most prescribed drugs. The FDA stated their is a rise in opioids prescription abuse. Opioids are derived from Opium Poppies.These includes Morphine and Codeine.
Opioids and Opiates includes heroin, oxycodone, hydromorphone, meperidine, propoxyphene and methadone. All of these substances, natural or synthetic are considered narcotics.
Opioids pain prescription is similar to a Heroin and Morphine high and as you have heard Heroin is
is one of the most addictive drug.
Opioids Prescriptions usage can and does lead to physical dependence it is an addictive drug. The following are Prescription pain pills that are opioid  Hydrocodone, Vicodin, Oxy Contin, Percocet, an Zohydro, and Codeine

A new study showed an alarming increase of PREGNANT Women that were prescribed Opioid Pain Prescriptions. This is alarming because Opioids usage during pregnancy causes birth defects.
According to a 2011 population-based study from the Center For Disease Control And Prevention (CDC) women taking opioids in the first trimester had a 2-to 3-fold increased risk of babies with heart defects like conoventricular septal defects, antrioventricular birth defects, hypoplastic left heart syndrome, as well as spinal bifida, and gastroschisis, a condition where the baby's intestinal  organs develop on the outside of the baby's body. A 2012 study in JAMA suggested that the incidence of babies born addicted to opioids was on the rise... Pregnant women are taking more prescription drugs than at anytime in the last three decades.. The New York Time Posted On April 13, 2014, " SURGE IN NARCOTIC PRESCRIPTION FOR PREGNANT WOMEN" This shocked me "Doctors Are Prescribing Opioid Pain Killers To Pregnant Women In Astonishing Numbers, New Research Shows, Even Though Risk To The Developing Fetus Is Well Known. The Lead Author, Rishi J. Desai. A Research Fellow At Brigham And Women's Hospital, Said He Had Expected To " See Some Increase In Trend, But Not This Magnitude".
My Question Is What Is Wrong With These Doctors? Why Would They Prescribe  Opioids An Addictive Narcotic To Pregnant Women Knowing The Risk, That It Causes Birth Defects? And What Is Wrong With These Women Taking Narcotics That Will Harm Their Babies? Are We Losing Respect, Honor, And Love For Life in Today's Society? Are People Becoming Insensitive, Hardened, And Cold? Is The Respect, Love, And Honor For God Becoming A Distant Memory In The 21st  Century????


What is causing this alarming growth in subtance addiction and what is so appealing about opioid drugs? Opioids is the world oldest drug which comes from the poppy plant. An opioid is psychoactive drug which mean effects mood changes. It makes you feel numb and euphoric. Meaning of Euphoric " Intensely Happy And Confident"

 What is Today's Society lacking? What is the driving factor that is causing an increase in drug addiction and the need to feel happy? We must stop and think why are so many people of all ages male and female reaching for a drug to make them happy and confident? We can not become numb to this and allow it to be part of our society. I am going to do a series on this subject.

The picture represents Love, Honor, and Respect.




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